Thank you for considering buying TMAC
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TMAC Original

Hardware & Software
3 months delivery

What you get with purchase

  • Support

    Our support team and specialist will be there for you to help out on all fronts - from hardware to software related things.

  • Documentation

    Fully video documented modules, workflows and pipelines.

  • Software

    Full access to TMAC Software including modules like Photo Stereo, BSDF Fitting, Color & Light Equalization, Seamless Tiling, Selection Tools, Normal Telecentric.

  • Assembly

    With worldwide delivery we are going to assemble tmac at your place and set everything up.

  • Workflow

    All procedures and workflows of how to process scans and best practices.

  • Beta Partnership

    We work on multiple futuristic devices and technological advancements. We would be thrilled to work with you and have you as a beta partner on these.

  • Batch Processing

    Software that is capable of per scan editing and batch scans processing capabilities.